New Direct Assistance Guidance
The workbooks listed below are now available on New Source Review Application Tools.
NSR Application Workbook
This workbook contains data currently submitted through the PI-1, Table 1(a), and Table 30 for New Source Review Permit Applications. It also guides the applicant through Best Available Control Technology, monitoring, and impacts summary requirements.
Note: At this time, you can submit applications using the PDF or MS Word forms, however, beginning June 1, 2019, NSR application workbook will need to be submitted with the application.
Electronic Modeling Evaluation Workbooks (EMEW)
EMEWs are suitable for all minor projects and can be used with all model types. There are two versions of this workbook: one for SCREEN3 and second for all other models.
Note: Beginning June 1, 2019, all minor projects utilizing modeling to complete an impacts analysis must include an EMEW with the application submittal.
Paint Emission Calculation and Impacts Analysis Spreadsheet
This workbook is for all enclosed painting operations. You will be guided through calculating emission rates and conducting an impacts analysis for your project.
Note: Beginning January 1, 2019, all enclosed painting projects will be required to submit this workbook with their application.
New Policies
Impacts Summary Timing
TCEQ’s Air Permits Division now requires an impacts summary with the application submittal for projects requiring an impacts analysis which ensures that the impacts are acceptable before time is spent on technical review of the application.
Currently, acceptable impacts for a project may be demonstrated through modeling, utilizing the Modeling and Effects Review Applicability process, a qualitative discussion, or some combination of those techniques. No change is being proposed for Projects which did not require modeling. If modeling is required, either an initial modeling summary or the EMEWs should be submitted with the permit application. For PSD permitting projects, a protocol will be required with the application and submission of preliminary results is not needed.
As of October 1, 2018, application forms have been updated to require an impacts summary with the application submittal.
Note: For now TCEQ will accept application without impacts summary, however, Beginning January 1, 2019, projects must include an impacts summary for the project to be declared administratively complete.
Incorporation by Consolidation
Currently, all Permits by Rule, Standard Permits, and Standard Exemptions must be referenced when the New Source Review permit is next amended or renewed, and consolidation is voluntary. The current consolidation process requires applicants to provide emission calculations, a BACT analysis, and an impacts demonstration for all consolidated sources. To avoid delays in the permit review process, this information is now required at the time of application submittal. Beginning October 1, 2018, If the information is not provided at the time of submittal, then the reviewer will use TCEQ’s standard template and reference the authorizations in the Special Conditions.
Contact eSPARC if your facility needs assistance with application preparation for a New Source Review project.