The Cross State Air Pollution Rule (“CSAPR”) has once again survived a legal challenge. However, unlike the 2014 Supreme Court ruling, the latest court decision will require a major restructuring of how the rule is implemented. On July 28, the D.C. Circuit Court found that the EPA was too heavy-handed in setting its SO2 and … Continue reading "Court Rules CSAPR Emission Limits Excessive but Still Must Be Followed Until EPA Revisions Are Made"
News & Press
Costs Count: Supreme Court Rules EPA Required to Consider Costs in Listing HAP Sources
Posted oneSPARC NOTES: On June 29, the Supreme Court held that the EPA must consider costs when deciding to regulate existing electrical utility steam generating units (EGUs) for hazardous air emissions. The case before the court arose from the EPA’s 2012 Mercury and Air Toxic rule, in which the agency openly omitted costs from its decision … Continue reading "Costs Count: Supreme Court Rules EPA Required to Consider Costs in Listing HAP Sources"